[Transformers] Decepticons

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Handphones, laptops, MP3s, these are few of the electronic devices youngsters of the new centuary want. This new age is the period of technology, unlike the past, when people did not have computers to send their mail, hence having no choice but to use the manual post. In the olden days, people also did not have mobile phones, which is portable and easy to use with a press of a few buttons. Just think, how troublesome it would be if we did not have technology to help us in our daily lives.

Now, let me talk about the most common and important thing of our lives-a handphone! A handphone can be used to communicate anytime, anywhere. It is easy to use, portable and light-weighted. However, the newest handphones come with a music player, camera, video player and even internet!

There are many brands of mobile phones, as well as the countless variety of models of phones. Some of the famous brands are, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung and many others.
Well, there is certainly something not right. Yes, without a provider for your phone's telecommunication, how are you going to use it? Well there is also a handful of these companies, starting with the highly sought after ones, such as Singtel, Starhub and m1. Not only do some of them provide services for your handphone, they have internet networks and television programes too!
As for those phones with a music player, they are called walkman phones, specially from Sony Ericsson. The 'walkman' is an audio cassette player used to market its portable audio and video players. The original Walkman introduced a change in music listening habits, allowing people to carry their own choice of music with them, listening to their preferred choice of songs whereever they go.
Just following 'tradition', that new things replace old things, the iphone was soon star of the phone community. It is an internet-connected multimedia smartphone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. With a flush multi-touch screen and a minimal hardware interface. The device does not have a physical keyboard, so a virtual keyboard is rendered on the touch screen instead. It has many features, such as a camera, a portable media player, internet access, GPS mapping, 3G speed, mail, and even Youtube is avaliable to watch from the phone.
With every good thing, follows a bad one. For example, the cost of buying the latest phone always cost a bomb, and some just buy the phone not for necessity, but to show of to their friends and relatives. Another bad point is that with more use of your phone, there would be a higher chance of you facing ear problems, due to the radiation emitted when on a call. On the other hand, if we forgot to bring our phone out, we might feel a part of us missing, as we have grown too dependent on the phone.
All the same we need the phone for the most basic purpose, that is to communicate. However, we must not misuse it to do bad deeds, and solely for messenging and calling. The other features of the phone are just like jewelleries, beautifying our clothing, making the phone more attractive and tempting to buy. Hope all of you will take care of your phone, just like how a solider takes care of his weapon.

Welcome to ENGLISH buzz - 7:30 PM;

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hi all, Happy Chinese Niu Year! In case you are unfamiliar with the word 'niu', it means cow in english. Since it is the year of the ox, hence this greeting is used. An ox represents patience, strength and determindness. Hope that this year will be a good year for the economy and that everyone will work together to help us recover from this recession. Have you also noticed something else that is different from usual? Yes, it is the colour of this particular post! I have posted it in red, in conjunction with Chinese New Year, as the colour red is considered auspicious by many.

Chinese New Year starts on the 1st day of the 1st month of the chinese calender and ends on the 15th. Curious how this season of joy and visiting all began, then i shall not keep you in the dark. It all startedwith the fight against a mythical beast called the Nian or "Year" in Chinese. Nian would come on the first day of New Year to devour livestock, crops, and even villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. It was believed that after the Nian ate the food they prepared, it wouldn’t attack any more people. One time, people saw that the Nian was scared away by a little child wearing red. The villagers then understood that the Nian was afraid of the color red. Hence, every time when the New Year was about to come, the villagers would hang red lanterns and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. People also used firecrackers to frighten away the Nian. From then on, the Nian never came to the village again.

So now you know that this holiday came from tales and legends, amazing, right? Let us go into depth about the New Year Goodies that we commonly eat during this time of the year. First of all, the most popular one-pineapple tarts! This mini, cute looking tibitsare small, bite-size pastries filled with or topped with pineapple jam. The pastry consists of a large proportion of butter and egg yolk, besides using cornstarch, giving it a rich, buttery, tender and melt-in-the-mouth texture. The pineapple jam is usually made by slowly reducing and caramelizing grated fresh pineapple that has been mixed with sugar and spices - usually cinnamon, star anise and cloves. The filling can be 'seated' neatly on the tart, or stuffed into the baked roll.

Next, is the much loved tibit-love letters. They are crunchy, flakey and truly delicious! From what i hear, these 'letters' were derived from the past. Long ago, when a lover wanted to send his or her letter to the other party, he or she would roll it up first before sending it over, that was how love letters came about.
Now, i will show you my family's decoration for the Chinese New Year celebrations. It is original, creative and innovative.
Dressing the money plant we grew with a red dress is simply beautiful, especially the contrast between green and red.

Lining the cushions and tissue box with cushion covers and a tissue box cover is plain yet unique

I got this design from our class's design of an ox. However, it has been scaled down to size and is 2-sided, with one side made of red packet paper and the other side made of shiny red paper.

Just like any other basket of mandrin oranges, but with the red packet upside down. The word 'fu' means luck, and placing it the opposite way shows that luck has arrived(fu dao)into the oranges.

This design was thought of by my brother and i, is it unique and creative? The left-most word, fu, means luck and the centre word, ji, means luck too. The number 8 in chinese is 'ba', which sounds like 'fa', meaning earning money and getting rich.

This practice of pasting a red packet on our doors is done every year without fail, bringing prosperity and luck into our rooms.

Welcome to ENGLISH buzz - 5:39 AM;

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hi all, i am sure each and every one of you has a favourite game to play. Whenever you are bored, having nothing to do, a pastime or even as a routine in your everyday life. The type of games people play differs from person to person. For example, one might like action-packed kind of games, while another might like racing type of games, hence the saying 'one man's meat is another man's poison'.

Parents may think that computer games are BAD, due to the multiple reasons they have in mind. Unfortunately, no matter how we reason out with them, they still are adamant that gaming has no good points, thus 'banishing' gaming from our lives. Just to list a few, the think that gaming has nothing to do with studying, as we would learn nothing from it. Also, they find gaming a waste of time, just driving vitual cars, or killing virtual monsters.

However, they are wrong, terribly wrong! There is more to gaming that meets the eye!You will be able to interact with fellow gamers, talk about things, or even share about your experiences in or out of the virtual world. This is totally unlike your friends in the real world, where you meet them almost every other day, and conversations can get slighty boring and uninteresting.

Nevertheless, it does not mean that meeting or talking with our online friends is safe. We never know if our 'friends' are good or bad ones, that is why our parents are worried for our safety when we go online.

Now let me talk about myself. I feel that among the many games that i have played before, Maplestory is still the best! My gaming 'career' started with playing Runescape when i was in primary 4, but after half a year, i found it seriously boring as the quests became childish and not fun. Then i learnt from my friends about the 'hottest' game-Maplestory. Out of curiousity, i went to download it and got myself caught up in this wacky game. It was like a new and undiscovered world to me, filled with strange characters and mysterious places. Like any other game, i soon got tired of it and went back to my monotonous life of playing online games from websites such as, Miniclip to Mofunzone.It was when i got to know from my friends about a game called Cabal.

Upon hearing it, the gaming spark in me got lighted up, and burst into a raging fire of excitement, as my past gaming life caught up with me. I was so overwhelmed by this action/adventure game that time flew past me without me knowing. It was after half a year before the word 'Cabal' disappeared from the class of 1D.

So, how was my gaming life going to end? Well, surprisingly i got back to playing Maplestory, as the fire of my passion for it got rekindled when i saw the icon of it somewhere in my computer. Aww, what a happy ending, you might say. Alas, since the start of this year, i have been unable to load Maplestory's newest patch. However, with determination, i am sure i will get back to my old gaming form!

Good luck to everyone with your games! Soar high my friends and achieve greater heights in your coquest for glory and fame!

Welcome to ENGLISH buzz - 10:37 PM;

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hi all, it has been long since i have last posted an entry, hence i will return with a burst of energy along with my newest(and probably the most popular) post of all--- 'Street Soccer'! Unlike football, street soccer is played in a constricted space or area,whereas football is played on a wide and spacious field(grass or synthetic) with no limitations.

The bad thing about soccer is that 'with more space, comes greater defending'. Since the opponent has more 'freedom' to dribble the ball around, he would be able to get past you with great ease. However, that does not mean that street soccer does not have any flaws. One of it's bad points is that the goal is more than twice as small than a normal goal, thus the strikers would find it hard to score past the keeper.

The above 2 videos show some dudes 'performing' soccer tricks, at the same time, showing off their stunts. The first video is realistic, as the tricks can be used in a street soccer court and they are quite easy to understand and practise. On the other hand, the second video is more on a complex and difficult side. Unless you have mastered the basics and some relavent skills or techniques, then will you be able to learn the advanced soccer 'moves' and put it to good use!

The rules of street soccer varies from size of the court to the number of players. It is also different from normal soccer. The number of players on one side depends on the size of the street soccer court, therefore it can be from 4 to six players. On every side, there is a semi-circle, called a penalty arch, surrounding each team's goal. Only the goalkeeper and his teammates are allowed to enter their own arch. When the ball is in the semi-circle, the opposite side would not be able to retrive the ball from inside. Similar to soccer, only the keeper can use his hands to pick the ball up(in the arch only).

If the number of offensive players are too little, the keeper may be allowed to come out of his restricted area. There is no space for a refree to run about hence the fowls would be decided by the players. There is also no freekick, penalty or extra time. A match ends when a team scores a certain number of goals. When a fowl is commited or a handball happens, the ball will be passed back to the "victim's" team keeper. If the ball goes out of the court, there is no throw-in, instead, one player from the other team will pass the ball to his teammates from the spot where the ball went out.

There are more things to street soccer that meets the eye. Important factors such as teamwork, bonding and friendships do play a part in in the sophisticated meaning of street soccer. Street soccer has mainly got to do with friendship. For example, take my friend and neighbour, Shubin, for example. Before we met, we did not even know that the other party existed. However, it is through the game of our passion which brought as together, hence making us good friends. It is somewhat like 'birds of the feather flock together', in this case, our love for soccer attracted us both together. We would also make friends when we go to the soccer court to play, as we have to know the players there in order to join their teams, hence there is a good and stable relationship between almost everyone. By following this 'practice' we would be forced to make friends in order to get the chance to play, and so broadening our network of friends.

Now i will tell you about the street soccer court near my house. It is a less than 5 minutes walk to the court. I go there every Tuesday, and sometimes on Thursday, as those are the days where not many poeple flock there to play. Just a word of advice, if you decide to go, stay away form Friday. That is the day where 85% of the regulars go there.

This is the street soccer court

Now it is the moment you all have been waiting for......'The Court of Fame'! I will introduce you the good and skillful players i have met so far, during my 2 and a half years of playing there.

See the guy wearing a white singlet, that is Ferros. From what i gather, he was an ex member of the Manchester United Youth Club, but for some mysterious reasons, he quited. He is an excellent dribbler and shooter, unfortunately he does not have a good amount of stamina, and can get tired quite easily. He has a loadful of tricks up his sleeve, and can get past almost anyone with great ease. The trick is to watch the ball, and not his moves or actions, then can you have a higher chance of gaining possession of the ball. However, like any other human being, he would also make mistakes.

A great player, is he not? He is the role model for most of the regulars there, and is often looked up upon as their mentor or senior. From soccer to life as a student, there is not much difference. We all should have an exemplary student in mind to look up to.With someone to follow, we would be more determined than usual to do our utmost best and to do even better than our role model. Our willpower will cause us to strive towards success and press onward no matter how tough the journey is. On the whole, i would encourage you to find a suitable person to be your leader which will guide you through your secondary life, giving you the strength within to be outstanding and unique.

Take note of the guy in a red and black singlet, he is a fast(really fast)dribbler. His shots are accurate too. That's Darwin! He was actually an amature player, only knowing the basics on how to play. Later on, he was trained by Ferros and turned into a suberb player with ball tricks at his 'toetips'. Bad news for him is that he can be tackled easily, and is not good in tackling others.

The boy in a Manchester United jersey is only in secondary 2 this year, yet he is appearing in the 'The Court of Fame'! The secret is that he his truly 'pro'(professional). Like Darwin, he was too, trained by Ferros. However, he did not start off being a beginer, but an average player. How did i know about this, you may ask. Well, he is an ex primary school friend of mine and frequently plays soccer during recess time. His name is Koon Seng, and is currently studdying in Anglican High. He now can shoot and dribble well, but makes even more mistakes than Darwin(which is normal for his age).

Just a reminder to everybody out there, it is perfectly alright to make mistakes, as we are human beings and certainly not robots, hence blunders are inevitable. However, it does not mean that making errors are acceptable. We have to learn from our mistakes and find out a way to change it, and most importantly, not repeat it again. Some might have the misconception that if they cause a blunder, they would be punished or worse, ashamed. Therefore, some students are fearful that if they say or ask something wrong, they would be laughed at by their peers, thus avoid asking questions, resulting in the inability to clear their doubts. All in all, we should muster our courage to speak our mind and not be afraid to make mistakes.

The next guy is Justin. He has the making of a defender, being able to snatchthe ball away from his opponents. He has more bad points than good ones, such as being demanding and 'uncool'. He keeps wanting to have the ball from his teammates, but loses it almost everytime he dribbles it towards the opponent goal. This is due to his lack of dribbling skill and his ability not to remain cool and collected. He too is very vulgar, cursing or swearing whenever he has the chance to do so.

I have now come to the end of 'The Court of Fame', hope you all have had a greater understanding of the making of a street soccer player. Now i will show you some pictures related to the soccer court.

Those who come to play at the soccer court will have their own way of transport, such as the above picture--a bicycle. In other case, it can be walking or by bus.

As you can see, there are drinks lying about. This shows that the players have had a drink or two after their match(es). They have bought the drinks from the convinence store nearby the soccer court. You may be wondering, how can one person finish a 1.5 litre bottle of drink on his own. Well, he does not. The drink is shared between his friends. However, they have a bad habit of littering, in this case, not throwing the empty bottles into the provided dustbins.

As singaporeans, we should do our part to not litter and throw our rubbish into any avaliable dustbin. If only the residents of our country could achieve a clean and green environment, Singapore would be a nice and rubbish-free country to live in. On the other hand, out of the majority of the population, there would still be some who do not even care about their country and expect the cleaners to do the cleaning up. Their lazy and disgraceful behaviour, brings shame to our repected country. We as citizens, should go the extra mile to watch out for litter-bugs and stop them from committing these 'crimes', at the same time remind them about the importance of a proper hygiene.

I have now come to the end of my second post. Wish all of you a Happy Chinese New Year and no matter what kind of sport you do, just keep in mind that it is for FUN and enjoyment, and certainly not just for winning!

Welcome to ENGLISH buzz - 5:09 AM;

Friday, January 16, 2009

One day inches past slowly but surely, and a new day dawns on us. Life is simply monotonous, yet we do not get bored easily. Why? This is due to the fact that our schedules are packed with activities and things to do, hence keeping our boredom at bay. Especially for us, students, our lives are over-flowing with school work, co-curiculum activities, tuitions, projects and many more. Studies have shown that people who are kept occupied will tend not to have time to think about other matters besides the things that they are doing, thus even the thought of being bored would not cross their minds.

However, we must not be overly submerged in our work, or we may stress ourselves out. Therefore, everyone will have their own unique way of having fun and letting their hair down. Let me share about the different ways i relax my mind!

To loosen up one's self, one will do the things that one enjoys to do. That is precisely the 'law' i abide by. To just pick one out of the many ideas i have, is watching a movie or a television programe. I can proudly tell everyone that i am a fan of movies(especially good ones)! When the screen turns on, my body switches into 'video camera mode'. I can watch non-stop, with my eyes glued to the screen, not missing a single action; just like a video camera, taping anything down without getting tired at all.

There are also some movies that will have a moral or a lesson to learn from, if only we study it with more depth. For Example, the transformers movie teaches us about courage. We can see this act of bravery by Sam, the main actor in the movie, when he puts aside his fear of the attacking Decepticons and transports the Allspark to a safe ground by foot.

Movies are not only special in their plots, but in the characters and their personalities. These factors would determine the outcome of the movie and the response of the audience towards the film. All the above reasons are the answers to why i choose to watch movies and television programes.

Due to my passion and love for shows, i would gladly share and review the many kinds of movies that i have watched to all those out there sharing the same interest as mine! Hope you will all enjoy!

For today's 'Movie of the Day' it will be related to my blog--Transformers! Transformers the movie is an action/adventure type of movie. It was directed by Michael Bay and released on the 28th of June 2007. Most of you would have already watched the movie, but for all those who have not, listen up! (and those who forgot, this is good for you)

When watching the movie, the story could be slightly confusing at first, but you would be able to 'catch up' afterwards. The plot goes like this: The Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it was blasted onto Earth by the Autobots, in order to avoid the Decepticons from possessing it. Long afterwards, a boy, Sam, finds his girlfriend, Mikaela and himself in the midst of a battle for the Allspark between the two robot sides, and the quest to find it begins. The Autobots have to defend Earth from the invading Decepticons, who are longing for the power of the Allspark, and at the same time ensure that the Allspark does not fall into the hands of evil. In the end, the good emerge victorious and the bad succumb to defeat.

Welcome to ENGLISH buzz - 12:38 AM;

Thursday, January 15, 2009

HI everyone! Welcome to my new blog. Hope you'll have a fun time exploring it!

Welcome to ENGLISH buzz - 2:14 AM;

Feng Yuan, Victoria Sch,Sec 2D, Likes: soccer,maplestory,combat arms,blackshot,movies


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