Hi all, here i am, standing in front of u(through the com,LoL). I'm back, finally! If u missed me, then a word of 'thanks' will be received by ur ears, otherwise, i think i'll just say, i have never met u before in my life. Lots of things have changed since the last time i posted. Just to list a few, i have got a MSN to chat with all my friends, which saves money by not using the phone and it is certainly FUN!=D Also, i have gotten involved in some of the class games, or should i say a portion of the class, for example--- Blackshot and Combat Arms. Even though i am not good in it, mind you it is a shoting game, i still enjoy having fun, with my friends especially. School life is also interesting, except for the homework part. I am improving in my soccer skills, and maybe scoring more goals? I guess i still can't compare myself to the pro players out there. But to those aspiring to be good players, i say good luck and keep practising, only through some hard work, then can u do well and excell. There is also a surmounting amount of projects, but not that i am finding it a chore, but it is full of activity and uses quite a bit of brains, so overall i would say i enjoy it! Hope all of u do, too. I also got my handphone, a sony erricson. However, it was not up to my expectations, but it's okay. I can do with it. It is so much easier to contact my parents with this new gaget in my life, YAY! Hope u all got one too. I have got to go now, BYE!
- 4:58 AM;
Feng Yuan,
Victoria Sch,Sec 2D,
soccer,maplestory,combat arms,blackshot,movies